Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tagged by Red Lady

I was tagged by Red Lady

Here are 10 things that make me happy:
1. Fireworks
2. Smell of the earth after it has rained
3. Hanging out with my friends and family
4. Reading a good book
5. Buying a fat new fashion magazine
6. Getting good grades
7. Dancing
8. Going to a good movie or show
9. Long walks
10. Watching Rafa play tennis (and winning!)


I would like to tag: Left-ie - Angel


AnGeL said...

lol interesting lirst ;)
i'll start doing mine ;p

Honey™ said...

those things really makes me happy !! REALLY ;)

Unique said...

lovely list ;)

ReD Lady™ said...

long walk ;) niiiice

i like your list ;)

do0da said...

i especially like that #10 :P

Unknown said...

i think these things make everybody happy

SpiKeY said...

Hey you are invited to my new BLOGGER PROJECT.. Please visit my blog and check it out...

F. said...

Angel: I can't wait :P

Honey: Glad you like'em :)

Unique: Thanx Unique! Come by again :)

Red lady: Thankyou :D

Do0da: YEAH!! XD

Ali: Wasn't planned, very spontaneous..maybe thats why

Spikey: ok!

sweetd said...

6.ohhhhhh something we have in commen! hehe great list.. and reading books is nice experiance!

Mrs. said...

whos rafa? I suck at this :p

Hitman1 said...

Nice list... I hope you continue to do these things so that you can stay Happy :)

F. said...

SweetD: Lol...i know that's for sure :P

Perfect Stranger: Rafael Nadal aka Rafa is a Spanish tennis player I adore!! XD

Hitman: Thankyou!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.