Hi, I have been away for the past few days because I had an operation on Thursday. Everything happened so fast. First, a little pain, then, lots of pain and swelling. I couldn't sit, sleep, stand, walk or do anything without feeling pain. So I went to the doctor and he said that he needed to operate on me. I was like "WuH?!" I never had an operation or anything like that so it was a pretty slap on the face! :P But everything happened so quickly and it was soon over.
Yesterday I went for a check up and they changed the bandaging and the doctor was like, "Its healing pretty well, and you'll soon be ready for the next operation" Slap in the face number two! Which other operation?! I was in a state of shock, pain and depression for a while, but I'm OK now. I thank God that it's nothing serious, and I hope the next operation will run smoothly and quickly (..and with minimal pain.)
Ofcoarse all of this happening so suddenly is confusing me as to what to do with my summer coarse. Should I continue? Should I just take a few days off? Or should I withdraw from the whole thing? I dunno!!! :s Since I'll be having another operation, which means more check ups (and more pain) I think it's best to try and withdraw...What do you think I should do?