Sunday, June 25, 2006


I've been having vivid dreams lately, dreams that seem so real that when I wake up I think "That couldn't have only been a dream..IT WAS REAL!"
I don't know why this happens exactly but I enjoy having's so fun. These dreams are often about things that will never happen in real life so its wonderful to be able to experience them in almost life-like situations.
I've had ones where I'm hanging out with random famous people, and I've had a couple where I am shot by a bullet and it felt so real...I could feel the hot bullets in my body and the blood and everything!!!
Have any of you guys had these dreams? If you have, here's a question for you...After you wake up from such a dream are you happy that you had it or sad that it was only a dream???


AnGeL said...

cool....i never had any of these dream ;p they sound fun :)

F. said...

ufff! 7adhum so fun! We have to make a research on how these things happen...I'll keep you informed :)

AnGeL said...


Anonymous said...

i did once. bas it was sooooooo scarey i freaked out ;S , ina i was waLkin' ba3dain madri mno opened his gun on me that 1 buLLet got into my head n the others kLhom in my chest n stomach, o eLa'3rab ina i was waLking bas feeLing dezzy o agouL 7ag omi wadouni e6abeeeb mabi amout o arou7 o then yes3founi bas the weirdest feeLing was shLoun i was waLking feeLing dezzy n a LittLe pain bas not deing o then when i woke up n saw my seLf ok , ert7t it was soooooooooo scarey waLLaaaaah !!!!! o Laman yekoun fi bLood bLdream ye9er fased i mean bas chetheee

the tooth.fairy said...

I had a couple of these dreams. And later on, i learned that there's a category these dreams fall under, they're called Lucid Dreams, y3ni ones that you feel as if they were real, but you realize it's a dream while you're still in the dream :P Oo usually you wake up before something scary happens to you. :P My research paper are about the types of dreams :P

F. said...

Really! Thats interesting! Well good luck on that research Butterfly and thanks for passing by :D