Hey there! I popped into Virgin last night and I bought two new books. They are both by a Kuwaiti writer: Haithem Boodai. One is a prize winning novel titled "The Road to Karachi" and the other is a compilation of short stories titled "The Palms". I wanted something to read and I thought "Hey thats something new, lets try this out" So I'll read them and I'll tell you how it was....
I also watched quite a few movies this past week...
Alive (starring Ethan Hawk) A movie based on the true events of a plane carrying a rugby team and their family and friends which crashes in the Andes mountains. They story shows how they fight for survival and how they find God in that isolation. A touching story I thought. Good movie.
Pride and Prejudice (starring Keira Knightly,Matthew Macfadyen) I don't think that this story needs introduction (grabbing long cane just incase) It is only one of the best love stories EVER! LOL Anyway, it was fun watching this version although I didn't like as much as the BBC one starring Colin Firth (swoooooons) I thought I wasn't going to like this Mr. Darcy but he wasn't bad...at all! Oh yes, and I don't see why Keira was nominated for the best actress oscar for this role...she wasn't THAT good?! Oh well..! Watch it :)
Poseidon (starring Kurt Russell) A huge ship is turned over by a huge tidal wave on new years eve. The people who were in the ballroom are safe in the sealed air-bubble that it is, but for how long?! A group of passenger decide to take action themselves and head up to the surface. Hmm, it was OK.. A few "how did that happen?"'s and "where did that come from?"'s :P I would say a good TV movie but I can't because it had some amazing scenery and cool shots and stuff...