Ahoy! I went to see The Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest movie last night and it was a BLAST! Whoever said sequels were always bad is definately wrong because this one was just as good as the first. Great acting, non-stop action and breath-taking scenery plus it ends in the most wonderful cliff-hanger e-v-e-r! The same charming rum addict- Captain Jack Sparrow ;) the galant Will Turner and the rebel Elizabeth Swann are back with their old friends and many more new enemies...If you haven't yet seen it you just have to!
P.S. The soundtrack adds to the magic of the movie.
i'm in love with jack sparrow! ;P
I LOVE Jack Sparrow's character . . . He's just so fun and weird and I LOVE HIS STYLE! ;P
The movie was gr8 and i just can't wait for the third ! ! ! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS ! ! !
LoooooooooooL , captain jack sparrow character's unique, 7adha funny, o i Liked the movie bas i didn't c the first. o eshay eLmaLeeq bLmovie hathaiLa eLdiscusting creatures :s bas mno eLcaptain eLi nzaL mn edaray 3end hatheeek esa7ra, is it Johns, o wat happened 2 sparrow, mastaw3abt.
You gotta love the guy.. I mean he's adorable!!! (*swooooons*)
And Leftie: I know this sounds wierd bas oyu shouldn't have seen it before the first, its just not the same...O I'm not saying who anyone is just incase anyone hasn't seen it yet (hate to ruin it for you) but I LOVED THE ENDING!!!
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